Lazarus resurrection kjv
Lazarus resurrection kjv

lazarus resurrection kjv

The context shows that He wept for their unbelief and their lack of hope. A word study of "groaned in the spirit" shows that He was upset, even angry or indignant, rather than grief-stricken, and His emotion came out in tears. Verse 33 says, "He groaned in the spirit and was troubled" when He saw Mary and the Jews with her weeping. He had no need to weep for Lazarus because He knew the miracle He would soon perform. Later, John records that "Jesus wept" (verse 35), and many people blithely assume that He was grieving for Lazarus, but they are mistaken. Jesus surely took a different approach to death than we do! Nevertheless let us go to him.'" He was glad that Lazarus had succumbed to this illness! It was not a macabre pleasure but a positive outlook, a kind of righteous joy, since He knew that the resurrection He would perform would bring about a great deal of good: Lazarus would live, the disciples' faith would be bolstered, a great witness would be made, and the path to Calvary would be set firmly in motion. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. What He says to His disciples in John 11:14-15 takes it still further: "Then Jesus said to them plainly, 'Lazarus is dead. For, when He heard that Lazarus was sick, even knowing it was a fatal illness, He remained where He was for two more days ( John 11:6)! John describes Jesus' attitude toward death as calm and confident, an assessment again depicted in verses 11-13. Twice in these five verses, it is mentioned that Jesus loved Lazarus, and this fact is connected with His approach to this man's death. Luke 10:38-42 shows that Jesus had spent time with the family, eating, talking, and perhaps even staying with them occasionally during His travels around Judea.

lazarus resurrection kjv

Obviously, quite a close bond existed between Lazarus and Jesus.

Lazarus resurrection kjv