Wow conch of dark whispers
Wow conch of dark whispers

wow conch of dark whispers

Don’t save it for when the raid is low – aim to maximize your casts per fight. You’ll pop this whenever you’re expecting raid damage and you can use it for its strong throughput alone.

  • Ward of Envelopment (on-use) adds about 833 HPS which is incredible for an on-use absorb trinket.
  • With the 8.2 buffs this is a very good trinket to have in your toolbox when Eternal Palace opens.
  • Mirror of Entwined Fate (on-use) adds an incredible 917 HPS and provides great life saving potential.

    The buff on the target lasts for two minutes and you’re likely to get full healing value on any difficult fight. Luminous Jellyweed (proc) adds up to 1083 HPS.Adding the set ring doesn’t really impact its healing contribution.

    wow conch of dark whispers

    Lady Waycrest’s Music Box (proc) adds about 433 HPS (after secondary stats).This is much stronger than the PTR iteration suggested it would be. Deferred Sentence adds about 1350 HPS (after secondary stats).

    wow conch of dark whispers

    Interestingly this makes Ward and Mirror fantastic trinkets while the Eternal Palace variations are undertuned. Trinkets with a flat healing portion were given a massive buff in 8.2 and now compete well with stat sticks. Dread Gladiator’s Medallion has about a 17% uptime and provides an average of 156 vers.There are much stronger alternatives in its niche. This is underbudget and useless in any situation where you’re taking damage while it’s active. Balefire Branch has about a 22% uptime and provides an average of 244 intellect if you aren’t hit by anything.It’s tougher to take strong advantage of the haste window as a mistweaver. You’ll average much higher during the trinket duration. Ignition Mage’s Fuse has about a 17% uptime and provides an average of 130 haste.Expect a moderate nerf before the raid goes live. Azshara’s Font of Power has a 25% uptime and provides an average of 551 intellect at the cost of a 4 second channel time every 2 minutes.Sinister Gladiator’s Insignia has a 50% uptime and provides an average of 424 intellect.Za’qul’s Portal Key has a 25% uptime and provides an average of 387 intellect.Conch of Dark Whispers has a 25% uptime and provides an average of 194 crit.On-use trinkets provide fewer stats but make up for it in power since they can be used at the same time as Way of the Crane, a big maximum-Upwelling-stack Essence Font, or just a high damage moment in the fight. Stat sticks can be categorized as either on-use trinkets or random procs. When comparing two stat sticks you usually just pick whichever is higher item level. They’re mostly worth the same amount of average stats over a fight but intellect trinkets have more of their strength allocated to static, consistent power which is desirable as a healer. We generally prefer sticks with intellect main stat (like the Conch of Dark Whispers) over secondary stats. Master the Spec: Trinkets in Detail Stat SticksīFA has more stat sticks than you can shake a… stick at. It has full support for sockets, tertiary stats and more and it’s free. QE Live is an online app that’ll tell you which of your trinkets or Azerite Pieces are best. These are my trinkets: X (400 ilvl), Y (385 ilvl), Z (430 ilvl). Bronze Tier: Fang of Intertwined Essence, Ingenious Mana Battery.Silver Tier: Incandescent Sliver, Zoatroid Egg Sac, Za’qul’s Portal Key, Revitalizing Voodoo Totem, Lady Waycrest’s Music Box, Balefire Branch.Gold Tier: Sinister Gladiators Badge, Sinister Gladiator’s Insignia, Moonstone of Zin Azshari, Conch of Dark Whispers, Sinister Gladiator’s Medallion, Sea Giant’s Tidestone, Crest of Pa’ku, Ignition Mage’s Fuse.Diamond Tier: Mirror of Entwined Fate, Ward of Envelopment, Void Stone (Dungeon Dependent).Best in Slot: Azshara’s Font of Power, Deferred Sentence, Luminous Jellyweed, Alchemist Stone.Bronze Tier: Revitalizing Voodoo Totem, Balefire Branch.Silver Tier: Zoatroid Egg Sac, Ingenious Mana Battery, Ignition Mage’s Fuse, Crest of Pa’ku, Sea Giant’s Tidestone, Lady Waycrest’s Music Box.Gold Tier: Fang of Intertwined Essence, Enthrallers Bindstone, Conch of Dark Whispers, Sinister Gladiators Insignia, Sinister Gladiator’s Medallion, Za’qul’s Portal Key, Moonstone of Zin Azshari.Diamond Tier: Mirror of Entwined Fate, Ward of Envelopment, Incandescent Sliver (Situational), Void Stone (Situational).Best in Slot: Azsharas Font of Power, Deferred Sentence, Luminous Jellyweed, Alchemist Stone.

    Wow conch of dark whispers